OCYCLE Targets symptoms occurring each month before and/or during menstruation, characteristic of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

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For 3 out of 5 women, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is an ordeal that announces the arrival of their period each month with various symptoms (irritability, headaches, painful breasts, etc.).

Compatible with any type of contraception.

Food supplement based on plants, vitamins and minerals. 30 capsules – 16g

Natural origin
Long-term rebalancing
Titled and concentrated assets
Vegetable capsule
Compatible with all contraceptives

OCYCLE, food supplements to provide natural solutions to your ailments

Thanks to the feedback from all
the women we have supported over the past few years, we have
developed the formulas that we dreamed of being able to recommend in pharmacies.


  • For all women experiencing physical and/or emotional discomfort just before their period starts : irritability, headaches, painful breasts, sugar cravings, spots, bloating, swelling... more than 150 symptoms of PMS have been identified. But one common cause: they appear just before the period starts.

  • As you approach your 40s, do you no longer recognize your cycles? Do they remind you of those during puberty? At this time of your life, it is common to feel these effects, which herald pre-menopause.

  • Following the insertion of a copper IUD which caused a hormonal imbalance leading to the onset of PMS.

Hormonal cause

This imbalance is a reflection of insufficient synthesis of progesterone by the body.


  • Premenstrual comfort: Lady's Mantle & Yarrow help maintain good comfort
    before menstruation and contribute to female well-being throughout the menstrual cycle.
  • Vitamin & Zinc intake which improve hormonal regulation
  • Overall support, muscle relaxant, antispasmodic & relaxing (Valerian)

Directions for use

  • Recommended daily portion: 2 capsules per day, to be taken in the evening with a large glass of water, from the 14th day of the cycle (i.e. when you ovulate) until the first day of your period.
  • Take a break during your period.
  • Recommended duration of treatment: 3 months
  • Contents of a pillbox, 30 capsules, or 15 days of treatment

Scientific references

[1] Wikiphyto. http://www.wikiphyto.org/wiki/Alchémille#Propri.C3.A9t.C3.A9s_de_la_plante

[2] Küpeli Akkol E, Demirel MA, Bahadır Acıkara O, Süntar I, Ergene B, Ilhan M, Ozbilgin S, Saltan G, Keleş H, Tekin M. Phytochemical analyzes and effects of Alchemilla mollis (Buser) Rothm. and Alchemilla persica Rothm. in rat endometriosis model. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2015 Feb 21. PMID 25700659

[3] Goldberg AS, Mueller EC, Eigen E, Desalva SJ. Isolation of the anti-inflammatory principles from Achillea millefolium (compositae). J Pharm Sci. 1969 Aug;58(8):938-41.


[4] Pires JM, Mendes FR, Negri G, Duarte-Almeida JM, Carlini EA. Antinociceptive peripheral effect of Achillea millefolium L. and Artemisia vulgaris L.: both plants known popularly by brand names of analgesic drugs. Phytother Res. 2009 Feb;23(2):212-9. PMID 18844327

[5] Lemmens-Gruber R, Marchart E, Rawnduzi P, Engel N, Benedek B, Kopp B. Investigation of the spasmolytic activity of the flavonoid fraction of Achillea millefolium sl on isolated guinea-pig ilea. Arzneimittelforschung. 2006;56(8):582-8. PMID 17009839

[6] Sellerberg, U., & Glasl, H. (2000). Pharmacognostical examination concerning the hemostyptic effect of Achillea millefolium Aggregat. Scientia Pharmaceutica, 68(2), 201-206.

[7] FM Miller, Lee Ming Chow. Alkaloids of Achillea millefolium L. Isolation and Characterization of Achillein. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1954, 76 (5), pp 1353–1354 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja01634a048

[8] Jenabi E, Fereidoony B. Effect of Achillea Millefolium on Relief of Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2015 Oct;28(5):402-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jpag.2014.12.008. PMID 26238568 .

[9] Abdollahi M, Baharara J, Shahrokhabadi K, F. Bamoharram F, Saadatfar Z. The Effect of Green Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized with the Achillea millefolium Extract on the Morphometric and Developmental Indices of Preantral Follicles in Immature NMRI Mice, Thrita. Online ahead of Print ; 9(2):e111340. doi:10.5812/thrita.111340.

[10] Wikiphyto. http://www.wikiphyto.org/wiki/Achillée_mille-feuille#cite_note-23

Precautions for use

  • Ocycle is reserved for adults over 15 years of age and is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to active substances, in cases of epileptic risk.
  • Medical supervision is recommended if taking anticoagulant medications at the same time.
  • All our formulas should be consumed as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Keep out of reach of children, away from heat, humidity and light.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
    Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • There is no contraindication to taking our formulas in addition to an analgesic, anti-inflammatory or antispasmodic.

"I have PMS which can make me quite irritable and which could affect those around me and my work. It was during one of these "episodes" that I tried Ocycle and I am very satisfied with it!"


“No more migraines, breast pain, hot flashes or anxiety. Needless to say, I am alive again. It’s a first in years.”


At 1 month
At 3 months

Start taking it from the 14th day of your cycle (i.e. when you ovulate) until the 1st day of your period. Take a break during your period. 2 capsules/day in the evening with a large glass of water.

At 1 month

You will feel beneficial effects from the end of the first treatment. However, hormonal rebalancing takes place in depth and can take several months.

At 3 months

A 3-month treatment allows for deep rebalancing, meaning effects and well-being that last over time.

Composition, plants, vitamins and minerals


Lady's Mantle has been traditionally used since the Middle Ages to treat "women's diseases". It is recommended during
problems related to the menstrual cycle and contributes to female well-being throughout the cycle.

Yarrow has a fairly rebalancing effect on women.
subtle. It helps in particular to provide resistance during the menstrual cycle.

Valerian has the ability to improve mood and is a reference for calming anxieties. It is also traditionally used for its antispam, soothing and myorelaxant (muscle relaxant) properties.


Zinc Bisglycinate: Zinc will act indirectly on the production of our hormones by contributing to normal fertility and reproduction. Highly bioavailable, the bisglycinate form allows optimal assimilation of zinc without causing digestive disorders.


Vitamin B3
Contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and reduces fatigue.

Vitamin E
Antioxidant vitamin therefore protects cells.

Vitamin B6
Contributes, among other things, to the normal functioning of the nervous and immune systems. It helps regulate hormonal activity by detoxifying estrogens, allowing progesterone to be better expressed.

Vitamin A
Plays a central role in the growth and proper functioning of our cells.


When will I feel the effects?

You will feel beneficial effects from the end of the first treatment.

However, hormonal rebalancing takes place in depth and can take several months.

Generally, we recommend following a program for at least 3 consecutive months associated with a healthy lifestyle and a varied and balanced diet.

When to take OCYCLE?

  • 2 capsules per day, to be taken in the evening with a large glass of water, from the 14th day of the cycle (i.e. at the time of your ovulation) until the first day of your period.
  • Take a break during your period.
  • Recommended duration of treatment: 3 months
  • Contents of a pillbox, 30 capsules, or 15 days of treatment

In which case is OCYCLE not recommended for me?

Ocycle is reserved for adults over 15 years of age and is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to the active substances, in cases of epilepsy risk. Medical supervision is recommended in case of concomitant use of anticoagulant medications.

All our formulas should be consumed as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Keep out of reach of children, away from heat, humidity and light.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women.

There is no contraindication to taking our formulas in addition to an analgesic, anti-inflammatory or antispasmodic.

Is OCYCLE compatible with my method of contraception?

Ocycle is compatible with taking a contraceptive pill or an IUD (hormonal or copper).

However, if you have severe pain with your contraception, we advise you to discuss it quickly as part of your gynecological follow-up to consider changing your pill or contraception.

Taking Ocycle can be considered when stopping hormonal contraception or when having an implantable uterine device (IUD) fitted.

Can I take OCYCLE with my diet?

Our formulas have been designed to fit in as well as possible with all diets.

All our formulas are considered allergen-free (see list below): they are free of cereals based on gluten, soy, eggs, milk, peanuts, nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, cashews, etc.), sesame seeds, seafood (fish, crustaceans), mollusks, mustard, celery, lupin and any other product based on these allergens. All our formulas are also free of sulfites and pesticides. Our formulas and capsules are 100% vegan.

They do not contain any ingredients of animal origin or compounds of animal origin, and do not come into contact with animal derivatives during the entire manufacturing process. Finally, our formulas are free of GMOs, pesticides, nanoparticles, artificial flavors, preservatives and irradiated ingredients.

Can I combine OCYCLE with another treatment?

Ocycle and Opéka have been developed to be able to be combined with each other without contraindications or overdoses.

In case of long cycles (with acne, hairiness and/or hair loss) and painful periods: you can absolutely combine Opéka (the entire cycle, outside of periods) and Ocycle (from the 14th day of the cycle until the first day of the next period).

It is also possible to take Ocycle with Oclimae or Oemeno, to improve menopausal symptoms.

Customer Reviews

Based on 88 reviews
La fin de 25 ans de SPM

La découverte de l’existence du syndrome pré-menstruel il y a une dizaine d’années a été un véritable tsunami pour moi. Après des décennies d’humeur dépressive, j’en étais arrivée à croire que j’étais dépressive, sans me rendre compte que cet état passager suivait en fait un rythme bien précis… de 28 jours…
Oui mais, prendre conscience d’une chose ne signifie pas qu’elle est réglée (sans mauvais jeu de mot ;-).
Cela m’a juste permis de mieux communiquer avec mes partenaires successifs, de mettre de mots, de prévenir : « je suis la femme idéale 21 jours par mois. Les autres 8 jours, je suis un loup-garou. Je vais être désagréable et méchante mais ça ne sera pas contre toi. On appellera ça « ma zone rouge » et je te préviendrai quand on y entrera. Ça va bien se passer. »
Bref, quand ma pharmacienne m’a parlé de ce traitement, j’étais bien mûre et bien réceptive pour tenter le coup. Et si j’étais la femme idéale 30 jours par mois ? :-)
Après 3 mois de traitement et 1 mois d’arrêt, je viens de courir chez ma pharmagicienne pour redémarrer 1 cure de 3 mois. Le résultat est sans appel : une quasi-disparition des humeurs agressives et/ou dépressive.
Mon mari parle de « changement de vie » et s’est proposé de sponsorisé mes cures.
Je recommande TRÈS VIVEMENT !

Bonjour !

Merci infiniment pour ce retour sincère et plein d'humour ! On adore la façon dont vous décrivez votre 'zone rouge' et ce loup-garou qui pointe le bout de son nez. On sait à quel point le syndrome prémenstruel (SPM) peut chambouler la vie quotidienne, et c’est vraiment incroyable de lire que notre produit a pu vous aider à retrouver du confort menstruel.

Votre témoignage fait tellement écho à ce que vivent de nombreuses femmes, et on est ravis de voir que votre mari a même décidé de 'sponsoriser' vos cures — c'est vraiment la meilleure preuve que ça marche ! Si on peut aider à vivre plus sereinement son cycle et éviter ces montagnes russes d'humeur, on a tout gagné !

Merci encore pour votre confiance, et surtout n’hésitez pas à revenir vers nous si vous avez des questions ou besoin de conseils pour continuer sur cette belle lancée.

Prenez soin de vous, et à très bientôt !

Les gélules miracle !

J'avais des symptomes de pré-ménopause soudain et violents, plusieurs jours par mois à broyer du noir de maniere trés excessive, sans parler des symptomes physiques 😱 J'ai ressenti et constaté les résultats positifs dés le 2e jour de prise!! Miraculeux! Ça change ma vie, mon quotidien, celui de mes proches et booste mes projets! 👌👌


La cure a été satisfaisante j’ai vu un vrai changement sur l’humeur


Merci pour votre retour ! Nous sommes heureux d’apprendre que la cure a eu un impact positif sur votre humeur et votre SPM. C’est exactement ce qu’on espère pour vous ! N’hésitez pas à revenir vers nous si vous avez des questions.

À bientôt ! 😊

Iris Aubert
Cure de 3 mois, des effets visibles

J’ai attendu de finir la cure de 3 mois pour partager mon avis sur Ocycle. J’ai rapidement senti que mes SPM (forte irritabilité, état presque dépressif, difficultés pour dormir la semaine précédent mes règles) étaient moins prononcés. Lors de mon dernier cycle, la semaine précédent les règles a été particulièrement douce (je n’ai même pas ressenti que j’allais avoir mes règles).
Un vrai changement donc, progressif durant toute la durée de la cure. Je recommande!

Bonjour Iris,

Un grand merci d’avoir pris le temps de partager votre expérience après ces 3 mois de cure avec OCYCLE ! Nous sommes ravis de savoir que vous avez noté une nette amélioration de vos symptômes SPM, et que votre dernier cycle a été bien plus serein. C’est un vrai plaisir de lire un témoignage comme le vôtre !

Merci pour votre confiance et votre recommandation. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez besoin de conseils pour la suite de votre bien-être hormonal.

À bientôt ! 😊

Elodie Fargier
Très efficace dès le premier mois

Cette cure est super efficace dès le premier mois d’utilisation, étant dans une période où des gênes revenaient tout les mois, cette cure m’a clairement sauve mon quotidien je recommande fortement !

Bonjour Élodie,

Merci infiniment pour ce retour qui nous fait chaud au cœur !
Savoir qu’OCYCLE vous a soulagée dès le premier mois et vous a aidée à mieux gérer les gênes liées au SPM, c’est exactement ce qui nous motive chaque jour. Imaginer que notre cure a pu améliorer votre quotidien à ce point est une immense fierté pour nous.

Nous recommander et parler de nous est le meilleurs retour que vous puissiez nous faire ! Et nous sommes là pour vous accompagner si vous avez la moindre question ou envie de partager la suite de votre expérience avec nous.

Prenez bien soin de vous,
Marc d'Equilibrist

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